Sometime around the beginning of January I pull myself out ‘winter mode’ & look over an amazing amount of seed catalogs. I’m surprised at how much I actually enjoy seeing new varieties. It’s the beginnings of my waking up to spring. I’m always astounded at the varietal choices for each plant. Of course I stick with my tried & true favorites, but I always try a few new things each year. Sometimes they’re winners & we continue to grow them & sometimes they don’t make the cut & end up in the compost pile. Seeding begins in early February for most of the longer season vegetables & a few of the annuals. We seed most things in plug sheets that have 512 cells. In the beginning years we seeded everything by hand! Boy did that take a long time! We now have a vacuum seeder that makes this job go really fast.
You first pour the seeds onto the plate that has 512 teeny tiny holes in it.
You then turn on the vacuum, which creates a suction & holds a seed to each corresponding hole.
You shake off the excess seed & then you place the seeder upside down over your seed flat, turn off the vacuum & voila!
A seed is placed in each cell! We cover the seed lightly & then place the plug sheets on a misting table until they germinate.
So that’s how it’s done. That makes perfect sense now. Thanks for sharing. Love you Shannon!
Thanks for the shout out. I just saw it. =)
I love you & all your help! You encourage me to be me!